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A Safe Place



Where to find A Safe Place

Instagram: asafeplace__

Tiktok: asafeplace__

About A Safe Place

PH: It started as a blog, which then transitioned into a positivity type account on Instagram and tik tok. I created it to share my own story/experience and ways to cope with the struggles associated with anxiety and depression (the 2 main things I struggled with and continue to struggle with)


The Organization

HS: How long has your organization been running?

PH: Began in December of 2020, so not long.

HS: What is your Mission Statement?

PH: A place of safety, support, and strength.

HS: What was the idea that sparked the creation of your organization?

PH: I've always been a strong advocate for the mental health community and I feel like I've reached a point when I have enough resources to share my own experience with mental health and also tips + tricks one can use when having to juggle with obstacles that come one's way by means of most mental illnesses.

HS: What did the startup of your organization look like?

PH: It began as a general blog-like template that turned into an expansive platform that radiates positivity and support for those having trouble dealing with their own anxiety and depression.

HS: What are some of your organization's accomplishments?

PH: 300 followers on Instagram and approximately 20ish subscribers on the blog.

HS: What are some of your goals in the upcoming year?

PH: 1k followers on Instagram and100 subscribers on the blog

HS: How did you manage to gain the following that you have now?

PH: Friends and family sharing posts and using my own Instagram account to publicize it.

You are loved. You have a purpose. Never forget that :)

The Founder

Patrick Hohe

HS: Tell us a bit about yourself

PH: I'm an 11th grader, so 16 years old. I'm from Chicago, Illinois and I am a student-athlete, running cross country and track. I enjoy hanging out with family and friends and I feel the most accomplished when I'm giving back to others.

HS: What was your personal reason for founding this organization?

PH: I don't want someone to go through life feeling alone, so why not do everything in my power to make one NOT feel that way?

HS: In the early stages, who would you say were the most influential and helped bring your organization to where it is today?

PH: My mom...She has been the biggest supporter through my darkest times and taught me that nothing is impossible unless you say it's impossible.

HS: If you have one, what is your personal experience with mental health

PH: I was extremely suicidal during 9th grade during finals week due to my perfectionist got so bad that I needed professional help and of course counseling - professional help and counseling are the reasons I'm still alive today and also with the support and love of my family and friends :)

HS: If you yourself don't suffer from mental health issues but know someone who does, how do you help them to fight their battles?

PH: Comfort...feeling alone is so scary, so it's best to bring someone a sense of comfort that they aren't alone. I remind one that reaching out for help is NOT a weakness.


Mental Health in A Safe Place

HS: What does mental health mean to you & your organization?

PH: To me, mental health is a life lesson. It has opened my eyes to the good and bad that the world brings about in either people or things.

HS: Why is your company an advocate for mental health?

PH: My organization advocates for mental health because we want people to accept that a mental illness is real, it's not a hoax, it's something the world will have to deal with for the rest of eternity.

HS: How are you trying to end the stigma of mental health?

PH: Simply, we want to radiate positive energy and prove to others that mental health doesn't entirely have a negative connotation related to it.

HS: Why should mental health be talked about within the community?

PH: Much of the older generation doesn't understand mental health as a whole, so if we don't talk about it with them, then they will never get the chance to sympathize with those struggling.

HS: What are some things you and your team are working on currently?

PH: Currently, I am putting together a merchandise store that sells shirts, wristbands, etc. that radiate positive vibes through inspirational sayings. (Check out his Instagram to where he is currently selling sweatshirts)

HS: What are other resources you have used to learn more about or support mental health?

PH: Posts on Instagram that other mental health advocates share


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