This is a quite easy and at the same time difficult question for me as I am inspired by each and everyone.
To begin with i would say my mom, she is always doing her best, she is one of the few people that i know who cares for others not only for her children but each individual she meets. Even when obstacles are on her way, she finds a path to succeed in achieving what she desires. If i have to name every ways in which she is the best to me, it would be too long and everyday a new quality would be added. My mom is my guide and my confident she inspires me everyday in doing my best.
Along with her there is my dad and my family who are always supporting me, and giving me good advice. They would add a little of their own magic in my life and inspire me to see life in different perspectives.
As I mentioned, each and everyone inspire me. It can be a toddler who is trying to walk despite falling he is insisting, it can be someone on the road whose car brokedown and despite not having mechanical knowledge he is still trying to fix the car. It can be a homeless who is trying in every way to survive in this world. All those who suffer from a mental illness, you also inspire me. It ain't easy i know but you got this and you must stay strong because you are my inspiration. ❤️
I would also say every creation of this world is of a big inspiration to me. The moon, the sun, the stars, art in every form, plants and animals, the world itself.❤️
To this I would also add that journaling also help me to find inspiration. My own time with my bullet journal admiring the beauty of the universe really help me. ❤️
This is a quite easy and at the same time difficult question for me as I am inspired by each and everyone.
To begin with i would say my mom, she is always doing her best, she is one of the few people that i know who cares for others not only for her children but each individual she meets. Even when obstacles are on her way, she finds a path to succeed in achieving what she desires. If i have to name every ways in which she is the best to me, it would be too long and everyday a new quality would be added. My mom is my guide and my confident she inspires me everyday in doing my best.
Along with her there is my dad and my family who are always supporting me, and giving me good advice. They would add a little of their own magic in my life and inspire me to see life in different perspectives.
As I mentioned, each and everyone inspire me. It can be a toddler who is trying to walk despite falling he is insisting, it can be someone on the road whose car brokedown and despite not having mechanical knowledge he is still trying to fix the car. It can be a homeless who is trying in every way to survive in this world. All those who suffer from a mental illness, you also inspire me. It ain't easy i know but you got this and you must stay strong because you are my inspiration. ❤️
I would also say every creation of this world is of a big inspiration to me. The moon, the sun, the stars, art in every form, plants and animals, the world itself.❤️
To this I would also add that journaling also help me to find inspiration. My own time with my bullet journal admiring the beauty of the universe really help me. ❤️
Thank you and keep on inspiring others ❤️